Monday, November 22, 2010

Back From ISP!

It’s so hard to believe that our time spent in our ISP locations is already over! Saying good-bye to the kids and the staff at the Clouds of Hope orphanage was really hard, however, I have a feeling that I’ll go back to the organization to volunteer for a much longer period of time after graduation. For now, we are all back in Durban and hard at work on our Independent Study Projects. Our papers will be quite long (I’m already at 30 pages single spaced and have a lot more to go…yikes!), and then we must prepare a 15 minute presentation on our experience and findings to our academic directors, advisors, and fellow students. Our papers and presentations are due this upcoming Friday….but then we are free!!! It will feel really great to get this project finished, but at the same time that means our program will be coming to an end…which is unreal just how fast this time has gone by.

After Friday we will have a free Saturday here in Durban to say goodbye to our host families and friends and then as a group we will head to St. Lucia. We stayed there for one night after the Reed Dance and it was really beautiful so we are all excited to go back as a reward for all of our hard work. There we will get the chance to go on safari for two days and relax on the beach before heading back to the states on December 2nd.

Until then I just wanted to share some pictures from my ISP time spent in Underberg for the past three and half weeks where I lived and worked at the Clouds of Hope orphanage.

On the Clouds of Hope grounds in Underberg, South Africa

Clouds of Hope

Clouds of Hope cottages...where I lived for the past 3 1/2 weeks

Anele and I, it was hard not to bring her home with me!!

Graduation Day from Playgroup :)
Playing Soccer After School

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